Use Your Mobile Device To Get in Line Before You Even Arrive!
Join our waitlist before you arrive and cut down your wait time on your visit. Five Oaks Farm Kitchen has the best food in Sevierville, TN and things tend to get busy around here. The good news is you can save time by performing a simple Google search from your mobile device for “Five Oaks Farm Kitchen”. You can put yourself on our wait list, see your place in line and get real-time updates!
We know you are hungry. So on your way to eat our delicious food, use your mobile device to join our waitlist before you arrive!
How It Works
- Perform a Google search for “Five Oaks Farm Kitchen” from your mobile device
- Click on the “Join Waitlist” button found directly within the search results
- See your place in line
- Get real time updates
- Get in line before you arrive on your next visit